I’m an Immigrant Now

Mor K
2 min readDec 22, 2020


Yes, This is the time a chose to make my big move. I’ve been dreaming about a move to England for more than 10 years. I felt like this was my last chance. so in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, without a job, and with almost no money in my bank account, here I am. Packed two suitcases, booked a flight and then another one because the first one got cancelled, and landed in London in the middle of lockdown.

Luckily I have amazing friends who offered to have me at their place until I get settled. I will never be able to express my gratitude to them. They have a toddler, a new house, and both of them working from home. Now they have me, eating their food and adding my laundry to the pile.

My priority is to get a job ASAP — only then I’ll be able to decide what kind of living situation I can afford, and where I should settle. Finding a job in the middle of an unprecedented worldwide crisis proved to be as tricky as I thought it would be. With the holiday break just weeks after my arrival, I find myself looking for ways to gain an edge. What can I learn? how can I improve my CV? What should I know about the market here? What are my advantages in this new place?

Knowing that I should focus on these questions and the positives I will bring to a new workplace is one thing. What I actually find myself doing is feeling insecure. Fearing my English is not good enough, or that they won’t like my accent here. Being worried that I’m simply unemployable for not having a degree. And the general fears of the times — Who is even recruiting during a global pandemic?

I’m taking online classes to enrich my Linkedin profile. I KNOW my English is good enough, but i’m going to work on that as well, to build my confidence. And I’m starting this blog to talk about some of my struggles, share my insights, and expand on things I find interesting. This is my first time trying to write online, and I hope it resonates with someone.

Thanks for reading, please leave a comment if you have any tips or questions (or just to let me know were here!)


Mor K.

Bristol is Beautiful when the sun comes out.

